
Deliver the best results in time and on budget. Stay updated in real time have all the information you need to make better decisions.

Smart LAP helps in monitoring every stage of the project lifecycle - from Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring & up till Closure.


Create Custom Templates

Create reusable templates that consist of Tasks that have a specific duration & sequence

Share Templates

Templates created by you can be shared with all employees or selectively with specific people.

Start & Change Project Plans

Use templates to plan task timelines with automatic changes when the plan is edited

Bring Customers in the Loop

Allocate tasks to Customers, with or without sharing overall Project status

Employee Task View

Employees can view only the tasks allocated to them - In progress, Planned & Completed

Task Completion Information

Add Notes, Attachments & Checklist Forms on task completion (can be mandatory if needed)

Automatic Alerts

Auto Alerts sent to employees when task is allocated and to Owners when task is completed

Get Task Warnings

Automatic Task warnings when there are other task overlaps or leave overlaps with a task

Monitor Completion & Timelines

Recalculation of all tasks' expected timelines after each task (both plan & expected dates available)

Progress Dashboards

View Progress through Gantt Charts, completion charts and other dashboards

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